
What is Ayurveda?
Literally translated from Sanskrit, Ayurveda means Science of Life.
It is the oldest entirely holistic system for health, longevity and beauty which has
prevailed over the centuries until now. Its universal and timeless principles are seen as
the origins of all treatment by natural remedies-traditions. Accordingly, Ayurveda is
known as the mother of medicine. In the ayurvedic philosophy the body, the senses, the
spirit, the soul, the behaviour, and the environment are in a state of permanent harmony
in a healthy human being. The precise detoxificating applications of the ayurvedic
medicine are especially effective in the prevention of diseases, the maintenance of good
health, as well as the treatment of chronic malaise.
What is Pancha Karma?
Pancha Karma is the centrepiece of Ayurveda. It is effectively used as
detoxificating-, vitalizing-, relaxation- and regeneration-cure. Pancha Karma translates
into five-time cleansing and is a system of precisely tuned physical
treatments and elemination methods. The therapy has been applied and tested for thousands
of years. It aims at cleansing the body from harmful residuals and at re-establishing the
balance of the three energies, the so called Doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha). It
revitalizes the immune-system, the powers of natural healing, and it dissolves acute and
chronic illness-structures. The therapy brings about a deep mental, spiritual and physical
renewal and is the key to a holistic health, beauty, and a long life.
You will be counselled by our trained team under the
direction of Mr. Julio Lesniewier. |

Practitioner of alternative medicine
Director of the Ayurveda Health Centre
born 1957 in Buenos Aires/
1976-79 first-degree studies in medicine in Buenos Aires
1984-88 training as practitioner of alternative medicine in Berlin with special
emphasis on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), chiropractic, therapeutic massage and
client centred therapy
Further training
ayurvedic medicine in India and Sri Lanka
Colon-Hydrotherapy (Heaven Colon Institute, Los Angeles, USA)
ozone-oxygen therapy (Berlin)
since 1993 independent practice in Berlin Wilmersdorf
1997 establishment of the first Ayurveda Recreation Centre in the Mark Brandenburg,
pioneering for Germany in the successful approximation of Chinese medicine and Ayurveda as
practiced in the United States of America, Australia, and Sri Lanka
The Ayurveda Health Centre at Motzener See offers a further development of this
concept. |